Centene World Headquarters
Clayton, MO
Kitchen and Bar Design, Dining Room Layout, Equipment Supply & Installation
Founded in 1984, Centene has more than three decades of experience operating government-sponsored programs and is dedicated to the health and unique needs of the communities it serves. In addition to being the largest Medicaid Managed Care Organization in the country, Centene is the largest carrier on the Health Insurance Marketplace and a national leader in managed long-term services and support.

Richard Garavaglia, Boelter’s Director of Contract and Design, along with his team – Mary Gildea (Project Coordinator II), Bob Hammann (Field Supervisor) and Ron Marts (CAD Specialist) – were happy and enthusiastic to once again work with Centene on their newest foodservice development. The goal of the project was to supply and install a variety of foodservice equipment from Alto-Shaam, Champion, Delfield, Hatco and CaptiveAire, throughout Centene’s main employee kitchen and servery.
As is common among most high-profile contracts, the need for timely completion was paramount, leaving little-to-no room for error and demanding a smoothly run project, from start to finish. Bob Hammann, Boelter’s Field Supervisor, played a critical role during this project and clearly demonstrated how Boelter’s field supervision responsibilities separate Boelter from the competition. Closely monitoring each and every change request as they came in, Bob ensured that Boelter adhered to the tight schedule and delivered a project that exemplified cost efficiency and project coordination.