G5 Brewing
Beloit, WI
Restaurant Design, Bar Design, Equipment Supply & Installation
When first considering the idea of opening a new brewery, Lee Gunderson and his family wanted to replicate the experience of the craft breweries they enjoyed while vacationing in Montana. It was their goal to combine craft beer with a variety of quality food options.

Representing the five family members of the Gunderson family, G Five Brewing Company has developed a multi-barrel brewing system that produces roughly 2,500 pints of beer. The modern-looking brewery and restaurant opened for business in Beloit, WI, near the Illinois state line.
Having previously developed a senior living community, G Five Brewing Company is a new venture into the craft beer and foodservice industry for the Gunderson family. Michael Toska, Boelter’s Project Manager, worked closely with the owners – as well as the architect who designed the Montana brewery the Gunderson’s frequented – to develop the foodservice needs of their business. Michael designed and specified the kitchen area and bar, along with various elements of the Brewers Loft, which is an upper level, small event space.
A highlight of the G Five space, one that provides their customers with expanded social options during the summer months, is seeing the back of the bar open up onto the attached beer garden. This feature, when combined with great food and tasty craft beer recipes, brings together the outdoors and delivers a unique and memorable experience.
G Five Brewing Company also offers its customers a selection of spirits to choose from. But the Gunderson family believes it’s their craft beer recipes that truly sets them apart and the driving factor for converting first-time guests into regulars. Their focus is on creating the best ales possible by paying attention to the ingredients used and to develop a loyal following of craft beer drinkers throughout their community.